Friday, November 9, 2012

World War Z First Movie Trailer. Release Date Is June 21 2013. Stars Brad Pitt In Film Based Book of the Same Name By Max Brooks

World War Z's debut trailer is finally out. It hits movie screens next summer, June 21st 2013.

Check out how Brad Pitt faces off against zombies in a post-apocalyptic world; in a film that is loosely based on the Max Brooks fiction novel of the same name, which was the follow-up to "The Zombie Survival Guide".... Both books that came out BEFORE the whole zombie-craze of 2012.

I've never read the books so I can't really comment....

Okay I will. It looks awesome to me. While it doesn't necessarily look like anything unique, it looks like it will be a pretty cool film. And I dig the realistic bent they are going for, granted, they never showed any zombies up-close, and at first glance you could be forgiven for not even knowing that this is a zombie film. I'll definitely be keeping my eye out on this one.

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